SCHOOL DAYS(there is a weird anime named school days- results in killing)
Ahh …the school Days begin and the pressure is yet again heavily placed on top of my shoulders. I think I need counselling and mental consolation as I feel stressed and deflated >.<
The heat of the stupid weather makes me more irritated and less motivated to do work. I feel as though I’m wasting time and not sufficiently concentrating on the important aspects of study grrr…..
What makes it worse is that Poor old St George doesn’t have any aircon for students!! How idiotic is that??? How can we perform optimally in the 40 degree heat?? Kill me now !!
School is bugging me and now I hhave realised a problem in my career path and I am left with a tough decision.
Now I know that I will never get at 99.95 ATAR and is obvious that I will struggle to achieve anything beyond the marks 97-98. I am being realistic here and if all goes well this year I am expecting a 95ATAR.
I wanted to do PATHOLOGY in labs but I since then realised that YOU NEED TO DO MEDICINE FOR THAT!!!. Anyways the only hope I have of archiving my goal is to
1. Get 99.95 ATAR (impossible)
2. Do MEDICAL SCIENCE (94ish)@USYD and transfer to MED if I am able to maintain a D average
3. Go to UWS with (95) for Med
What should I do?
On top of that I feel as though I’ve become more bitchy and stuck on a mode of Forever PMS where the repeated statements from my parents causes me to open the gates of hell ><. I feel so eh…. Irritated and stressed. I hate being asked stupid questions eg
“so it was hot last night?”- I was complaining to you it was hot no need to restate it
“you look tired, did you sleep?”- Yes I slept wonderfully in a room with hot air, ontop of that I was talking to you at 4 so obviously I did not sleep
“so you didn’t sleep because it was hot”- No dumb buthead I didn’t sleep because I felt a sudden urge to do something and stay up in the late hours to watch whatever is on tv!
Its these questions that annoy me especially if you know the answer …
Tomorrow is Chinese New year and this year I will be short on red packets=(
1. Grandma is overseas
2. Family is in china
3. Rich aunty is nowhere in sight
So this means I will be spending it with
1. -greasy hair, swat smelling hair due to the 36 degree weather (no washing hair)
2. -no meat (cool with that)
3. my clothes smelling of incense and burnt paper money
To everyone I wish them a
恭禧發財! 新年快乐
And may they recieve many red pockets
On a more positive note
Being back at school does give me happiness and Joys
1. Seeing friends and socialising
I mean who can resist Slapping Ellen, Trains with Vicky, Singing with Michelle, Liza hair, Texting on Lulu’s phone, Groping Annie ^-~ and Seeing the Taoer? XD
2. It has something to fill my day with, it pushes me to work. ^^
Anyways who likes words without photo's? Photospammm
Remember when rolled socks were deemed "cool"? |
what's this?- you will never guess |
Guesss?? they are the same thing |